
Drug-eluting stents: Do they increase heart attack risk?

What if I need other surgeries?

If you're considering surgery not related to your heart (noncardiac surgery) in the year after receiving your stent, here's what to do:

  • If you can, postpone your noncardiac surgery for one year after receiving a stent.
  • If surgery can't be postponed, discuss with your doctor medications you're taking, such as aspirin or clopidogrel. Your dosages might need to be adjusted. It also might be possible to stop taking anti-clotting medications six months after stent placement, but this must be discussed with your doctors.
  • If you're likely to need surgery in the year after you get a stent, a bare-metal stent may be a better option for you. You may also want to consider a bare-metal stent if you're at an increased risk of bleeding or don't think you'll be able to take anti-clotting medications as prescribed by your doctor. Talk with your doctor about your situation.